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Signature & discussion with Carine Fol & Déborah Couette

Carine Fol, artistic director of the CENTRALE for Contemporary Art in Brussels will sign her book From the art of the mad to art without margins published by SKIRA at the end of 2015 in which she puts into perspective the role of three emblematic protagonists in the field of asilary art: Hans Prinzhorn, Jean Dubuffet and Harald Szeemann.

Carine Fol will attend a signing session for her book and will participate, with Deborah Couette, doctoral student in art history, in a discussion about Harald Szeemann with whom she collaborated for the exhibition La Belgique visionnaire, C’est arrivé près de chez nous at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels (4 March to 15 May 2005), marked by the brutal death of Harald Szeemann a few days before the opening.

Signature by Carine Fol

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