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Marc-Henri Lamande & Peter Shams (guitar dobro resonator - percussion - electronic - singer)

six texts of :

André Breton - L’art des fous, la clef des champs

Rabindranath Tagore - The lyrical gift

Cioran - On the peak of despair

Antonin Artaud

Claude Régy - The order of the slain

Peter SHAMS (Wild Shores, 6 Strings Around) collaborates for more than twenty years with Evelyne Hebey and Marc Roques for the Musicians-Plasticians community WILD SHORES.

At the same time, he starts today a series of personal projects with literary touches, where the poetic language is brought up on stage for audiovisual and musical scenography, who leaves some space to hybrid sonority, between electronic compositions and reinvented ethnic music.

Marc-Henri LAMANDE, actor, spokesman for Cendrars, Koltès, Guilloux, Butor, Céline, Novarina and Artaud. But, also other contemporaries as Gaël Mevel, Ludovic Longelin, Andrée Chédid, Olivier Py or Maxence Fermine.

He is also the author of texts that are the subject of original scenic creations. Le Colonel Suspicieux published by edition L’Harmattan, Souffleur de Terre, published by edition ALNA - La Rochelle.

Infinited Worlds…

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