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On the occasion of its exhibition aide-mémoire the association Françoise pour l’oeuvre contemporaine en société is organising a day of round-table discussions on Tuesday 28 February 2017.

2pm - Visit of the exhibition AIDE MÉMOIRE at the Espace culturel Séraphine Louis

3pm - ART BRUT, Christian Berst, gallery owner and Art brut specialist, Antoine de Galbert, collector, Christophe Boulanger, LaM curator.

Moderator: Claire Margat, art historian, journalist ArtPress.

16h45 - ART THERAPY, Edith Santamaria, art therapist Fondation Condé (Chantilly), Agnès Maggiar, art therapist Hippocampe (Senlis), Madame Giburni, assistant, Dr. Psychiatrist of the Centre Hospitalier Fitz-James, Odile, a close collaborator of Jean Vanier (creator of l’Arche) for 45 years (Ferme de Trosly) and Colette Roumanoff, author of the book Le bonheur plus fort que l’oubli, committed to helping caregivers live well with Alzheimer’s disease.

Table ronde art brut - art thérapie

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