christian berstart brut
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The internationally renowned Gugging Gallery (near Vienna, Austria) supports, alongside the House of Gugging Artists, the artists of art brut. It has always been committed to the discovery of new talent. Founded in 1994 by Johann Feilacher, it celebrates its 20th anniversary on June 11th.

Christian Berst has been invited by its founder and director, Nina Katschnig, to speak at a round table discussion organized for the occasion, which will begin at 7 pm.

This great conversation about art brut will be followed by a preview of the exhibitions of two new artists Helmut Hladisch Jürgen Tauscher and Gugging - from Bachler to Zittra.

Finally, the party will continue with music by the GG Jazz Quartet and will bring the public together around the delicacies of Haselbacher Catering & Schlumberger.

The Gugging Gallery

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