christian berstart brut
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Christian Berst has been invited to participate in the Rencontres - Détournements et Art Brut, Tuesday 13 May 2014, at the Gantner multimedia space in Belfort.

Is Art Brut soluble in technologies? Do today’s Art Brut artists appropriate and hijack the technologies of the 21st century?

Is there such a thing as electronic art brut? Is it necessary / can we get out of the dogma of art brut defined by Dubuffet? This day is meant to be a space for reflection, clearing and sharing where specialists in art brut from France and Switzerland will take up these questions, open up new ones…

Day organised in the context of the exhibitions Absence is not an alibi by Elisabeth Schrader and Klaus Stober (Belfort Museums - Tour 46 and the Impétus Festival) and Hack !.


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