christian berstart brut
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galerie christian berst art brut as well as 40 other galleries in the Marais are organising an exceptional opening on Sunday 24 May, from 2 to 6 pm.

This collaborative project allows us to celebrate the reopening of our spaces and to offer you a set of rich exhibitions, at a time when museums and shows are still closed. It will also be a chance to present the new app, designed to help art lovers plan their itinerary through the contemporary art galleries based in the Marais.

This Marais “Gallery Sunday”* is set to be a regular event. The next one is planned for 14 June 2020. is a collective initiative conceived by galleries during the lockdown. The original idea was by Anne Barrault and Galerie Polaris, who were joined by the RX and Danysz galleries.

Dimanche des galeries du Marais  - © christian berst — art brut
Dimanche des galeries du Marais  - © christian berst — art brut
Dimanche des galeries du Marais  - © christian berst — art brut
Dimanche des galeries du Marais

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