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For the third year in a row, La Ralentie gallery is holding a contest, this time around the theme of “Intimate landscapes”. Preselected by a jury, paintings, drawings, engravings and photography will be presented at the gallery from February 16th to 23rd.

The three laureates will be on display for a month at the gallery in January 2016.

This year, the jury is composed of Jean-Philippe Domecq (novelist, art critic), Olivier Bourgoin (director of Agence Révélateur), Benedicte Philippe (columnist for Telerama), Colette Pagès (Aralya’s founder and director), Christian Berst (galerist), Christian Noorbergen (art critic, curator), Philippe Grelié (architect, curator), Ludovic Duhamel (director and editor of the magazine Miroir de l’Art).

La Ralentie gallery contest

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