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Since 2019, curator Antonia Gaeta has been writing fiction based on the works of Marilena Pelosi. Currently in residence at the Cité internationale des arts, the Antonia Gaeta studio will be open to the public this Wednesday, December 6th from 6pm as part of Ateliers ouverts : Pratiques ralenties. On this occasion, a dozen of Marilena Pelosi’s works will be presented to the public.

open workshop with marilena pelosi and antonia gaeta
wednesday, december 6, 2023, 6-9pm
cité internationale des arts, 18 rue de l’hôtel de ville, paris
studio 8423, main building (4th floor)
free admission, subject to availability

Please note that Marilena Pelosi will be present on the evening of the event.

Marilena Pelosi
Marilena Pelosi - © © mario del curto, christian berst — art brut

At a very young age, Marilena Pelosi began to make drawings in which exuberant Catholicism and feverish Macumba, from her native Brazil, swirled to the point of delirium. The reminiscence of trance, eucharistic processions and carnivals are inextricably combined with much more intimate evocations. Established in France for several decades, she continues these same troubling drawings, made with ballpoint pens, in which doll-women are both executioners and victims. Now part of the CNAP collection, in 2019 she will join BIC (France), and in 2021 the Musée d’art moderne (Pompidou, France). In 2023, we presented works by Marilena Pelosi at ARCO Madrid.

open studio antonia gaeta and marilena pelosi

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