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The Sorbonne students have chosen to hold their next lecture entitled “La création au croisement des frontières” at the gallery on Wednesday, April 1 at 8:00 pm.

Speakers :

Pierre-Olivier Bannwarth, storyteller, author, actor and director

Jean-François Boclé, visual artist

Jade Bouchemit, Assistant Commissioner of the Middle East Express Festival

Gilles Delmas, video artist

Isabelle Renard, Director of the Contemporary Art Department at the Cité de l’histoire et de l’immigration

Organizers : Laurent Atlan, Sabrine Ben Ouirane, Melchior de Carvalho, Clémence Guy and Camille Malherbe

Since 1990, the Thursdays of the Sorbonne are a series of meetings organized by students of the master 1 Métiers des Arts et de la Culture of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne :
“These encounters address issues affecting the cultural and artistic sector, but also society as a whole. For the student organisers, they are a concrete approach to the professional world that enriches their training. Artists, professionals and experts in the cultural and artistic fields confront their thoughts and projects with other sectors of the human sciences and research, in the presence of a large audience. In 2015, the Thursdays of the Sorbonne will take place outside the walls and the theme will be ‘Culture and Otherness’.”

  • Françoise Docquiert - Deputy Director of the UFR 04 and of the MAC master’s degree - Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.

This meeting will be an opportunity to look at the way in which certain artists participate in intercultural dialogue in the field of artistic creation.

By working at the frontier of their different cultures, they stimulate creation and encourage the emergence of original works resulting from this crossbreeding.

These hybrid productions are the best proof, not of the integration of one civilization into another, but of a plurality of artistic practices leading to the expression of a new identity.

Creation at the crossroads of borders

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