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Le Passage pas sage organizes Saturday, October 10 Spray final, a live painting of the graffiti artist unSolub, the ultimate touch to his fresco realized passage des Gravilliers. A unique experience in Paris.

It is to the graffiti artist unSolub that the galleries christian berst art brut, Sator, under construction and Paper Tiger chose to entrust, at the beginning of August, the ambitious project of creating an urban jungle under the porches and on the 16 metal curtains of their passage - a surface of more than 250 m2.

In 10 weeks and 100 bombs, unSolub gave life to a dreamlike universe populated by flying machines inspired by the universe of Gustave Mesmer overlooking architectural meanders invaded by luxuriant vegetation, in a range from pure white to rat black shaded with full metal and a monochrome of grey.

This inaugural event will take place in three stages:

4:30 pm: the metal curtains of the passage will be lowered in concert to appreciate the pictorial work as a whole.
5pm: curtains up and reopening of the galleries
17h to 19h: live painting, performance by unSolub

Final Spray

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