christian berstart brut
SearchClose christian berst art brut 20 ans !

While some regularly prophesy the end of Art Brut - arguing that it is now impossible to escape the cultural conditioning and standards of official art - islands of resistance are nevertheless emerging daily, as if echoing the growing public enthusiasm. This is why we would now like to devote our autumn exhibition to sharing our most recent discoveries with you and demonstrating, once again, the extraordinary vitality of “non-standard” creation.

Our selection will present the work of : Beisgen (Germany), Benetto (France), Leonardini (France), Lucas (France), Ollhorn (Germany), Pelosi (France), Plny (Czech Republic), Staëlens (France), Steffen (USA) and Théate (Belgium).

Press review
Annonce de l'exposition Une rentrée hors les normes
Animula Vagula. September 12, 2007.
beyond the boundaries season 2007

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