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François Burland was born in 1958 in Lausanne, the city that a little more than a decade later would host the Collection d’Art Brut assembled by Dubuffet.

But above all he shares with this great old man a visceral taste for the desert, this masterful blank page, and the intriguing camaraderie of the Tuaregs. The works that will emerge from this singular journey are like the sublime backwash of this experience of limits and of turning back on oneself: new mythologies - where humour fights it in war, where the animal goes in amble with man - unfold like a rampart against the disenchantment of the world.

This retrospective, the first of its kind in France, covers all the cycles that made Burland famous throughout the world, right up to the Lausanne Collection in which he now appears.

Press review
Match Burland-Pons pour la St Saturnin
Animula Vagula. November 29, 2007.
françois burland

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