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The debate, always lively, on whether remarkable productions from institutional workshops belong to art brut is not yet over. Gugging’s Haus der Künstler - whose creators were celebrated in Dubuffet’s art brut fascicles at the time - continues to raise questions. The Pommeraie in Belgium, to which we already owe the discovery by Paul Duhem, is also a leading gold vein in this respect. Through the works of Michel Dave, Daniel Douffet, Alexis Lippstreu and Jean-Michel Wuilbeaux we will show how these creators are, as Dubuffet wrote, “foreign to the beaten path of catalogued art”. But, above all, it will be a question of moving you, in all senses: moving you as much as disturbing you. The presence of the creators, the renewed homage we pay to Paul Duhem, as well as the launch and signature by its authors of the Débridé(e)s catalogue are an invitation to enter this luxuriant orchard of “raw gold”.

A catalogue, Débridé(s), published under the direction of Bruno Gérard, with texts by Carine Fol, Teresa Maranzano, Christian Berst, Alain Bouillet, Jacques Clicheroux and Laurent Danchin, was offered to the public for the first time at the opening.

Press review
La Pommeraie, l'art brut dans son verger
Télérama Sortir. January 14, 2009.
Vernissage et Fous vernis
Animula Vagula. January 8, 2009.
La Pommeraie dans son jus
Animula Vagula. November 14, 2008.
la pommeraie

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