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art brut

the book of books

Co-published with 5 Continents Editions.
Under the direction of Elisa and Christian Berst, based on an original idea by Carmen and Daniel Klein.

Forewords : Christian Berst
Preface : Graciela Garcia Muñoz
Texts : Manuel Anceau
Graphic design : Paper ! Tiger ! Aurélien Farina

The Book of Books of art brut allows us to turn the pages of more than 60 artworks created by these mystical geniuses, visionary artists and other “literary madmen” who are the great figures of art brut.

Among the artists represented :
Henry Darger, Aloïse Corbaz, Adolf Wölfli, Charles Dellschau, Josef Heinrich Grebing, James Castle, August Walla, Oskar Voll, Anselme Boix-Vives, Henry Speller, Horst Ademeit, Yuichiro Ukai, Kunizo Matsumoto, “Prophet” Royal Robertson, Jean-Daniel Allanche, Jean Perdrizet, Michel Nedjar, Dan Miller…

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Bilingual French and English
Pages 400 color printed
cm 24 x 29.5 cm
ISBN 978-88-7439-966-6
Price 55 €

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