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Josef Hofer

alter ego

Prefaces : Philippe Dagen, Elisabeth Telsnig
Foreword : Christian Berst
Photographies : Mario del Curto
Catalog published to mark the exhibition Josef Hofer : alter ego, from december 2nd, 2011 to january 14th, 2012.
Co published with les éditions Le livre d’art, 2011.


Bilingual French and English
Pages 200 color printed
cm 23 x 23 cm
ISBN 979-23-55321-19-1
Price 30 €


Philippe Dagen - © christian berst — art brut

Philippe Dagen

Philippe Dagen, normalien and agrégé d’histoire defended a thesis in 1993 on “The myth of the return to painting and aesthetics in France, from symbolism to abstraction”. He is currently professor of contemporary art history at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

An art historian, Philippe Dagen is also a researcher and art critic. He has published numerous articles and books on the pictorial movements and painters of the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries. His apparent preference for modern art can be seen in the chronicle he has been writing regularly for the newspaper Le Monde since 1985.

Elisabeth Telsnig - © christian berst — art brut

Elisabeth Telsnig

Art historian and curator Elisabeth Telsnig was for 20 years head of the drawing and painting workshop of the Lebenshilfe Ried im Innkreis institution for the disabled in Austria. Since 1998, thanks to her intervention, Josef Hofer’s production has been systematically preserved and enhanced.
Elisabeth Telsnig has also published a monograph of the artist in 2013 (Josef Hofer. Monograph, Linz, Bibliothek der Provinz), signed an article in the magazine Raw Vision in 2006 “Unlocking the human form” and wrote several texts for exhibition catalogues.

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