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Albert Moser


Preface : Bruce Burris and Phillip March Jones
Foreword : Christian Berst.
Catalog published to mark the exhibition Albert Moser : scansions, from january 30th to february 29th, 2020.

Bilingual French and English
Pages 200 color printed
cm 21 x 21 cm
ISBN 979-10-90463-62-2
Price 25 €


Phillip March Jones - © christian berst — art brut

Phillip March Jones

Artist, writer, and curator, Phillip March Jones founded Institute 193, an art space and publisher in Lexington, Kentucky. He later served as director of the “Souls Grown Deep Foundation” in Atlanta, and as director of two art brut galleries in New York. Jones currently serves as Institute 193’s Curator-at-Large and oversees Institute 193 (1B), a project space in Manhattan that organizes collaborative exhibitions with cultural institutions from the Southern United States.

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