christian berstart brut
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As part of its exhibition of Albert Moser’s panoramas, the gallery organizes a round table on the theme “photography and art brut, sortitr des clichés”, with Marc Lenot, author of the blog Les Lunettes Rouges, specialist of Miroslav Tichy, and André Rouillé, director of the website Paris Art, historian of photography.

The round table will open with an interview on Albert Moser given by Christian Caujolle to Claire Mayer (Actuphoto).

Albert Moser
Albert Moser - © christian berst — art brut

This American artist, autistic, lived most of his life with his parents, before joining the New Jersey foster home where he still lives. Moser first gained recognition for his tinkered photographic panoramas, then for his psychedelic geometric designs. But whatever the medium, his work testifies to the same obsession with space. They report, in their own way, the vertigo through which he tries to find his place in the world. Exhibited in 2019 at the Rencontres de la photographie d’Arles, his work is as well in the collections of Antoine de Galbert (France) and Treger Saint Silvestre (Portugal).

Round Table

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