christian berstart brut
SearchClose christian berstart brut

” Its exhibitions are the promise of new discoveries […],” says Roxana Azimi, art critic and author of the guide, about the gallery.

Michel Nedjar, Guo Fengyi, Alexandre Lobanov, Luboš Plný, Anna Zemánková and Carlo Zinelli, artists whom we represent, are among the artists whose works are recommended for acquisition.

Guo Fengyi - © christian berst — art brut
Guo Fengyi
Alexandre Lobanov - © christian berst — art brut
Alexandre Lobanov
Michel Nedjar - © christian berst — art brut
Michel Nedjar
Luboš Plný - © christian berst — art brut
Luboš Plný
anna zemankova - © christian berst — art brut
Anna Zemánková
Carlo Zinelli - © christian berst — art brut
Carlo Zinelli
The Hazan Guide to Contemporary Art 2019

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