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curator : Alison Gingeras.

From February 1 to March 17, 2020, Blum and Poe gallery (Los Angeles) will present three of our artists - Michel Nedjar, Misleidys Castillo Pedroso and Kamae Kazumi - in a group exhibition exploring the human condition and emerging modes of humanistic representation in the visual arts following the traumatic aftermath of World War II.

New images of Man is a new version of the exhibition of the same name that took place at MoMA in 1959 (New York).

exhibition view of *new images of man*, curator: alison m. gingeras, blum and poe gallery, los angeles, united states, 2020. - © blum and poe gallery, photo: makenzie goodman, christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *new images of man*, curator: alison m. gingeras, blum and poe gallery, los angeles, united states, 2020. - © blum and poe gallery, photo: makenzie goodman, christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *new images of man*, curator: alison m. gingeras, blum and poe gallery, los angeles, united states, 2020. - © blum and poe gallery, photo: makenzie goodman, christian berst — art brut
Michel Nedjar - © christian berst — art brut

Michel Nedjar

He is the most widely exhibited and published living art brut artist, yet the extraordinary trajectory of this Frenchman raises a question that is rarely addressed: that of the impermanence of art brut. Discovered by Jean Dubuffet at a time when he was working on the resurgence of the symbolic body, he allowed himself to become the protean artist we know and who, in his creation, embodies absolute freedom. His work can be found in countless collections, and he was the first artist brut to enter the collections of the Musée national d’art moderne (Pompidou). Exhibited at the Monnaie de Paris, the Albertina Museum and the Mona, Michel Nedjar has been the subject of nine monographic exhibitions.

portrait of misleidys castillo pedroso - © christian berst — art brut

Misleidys Francisca Castillo Pedroso

This Cuban artist has no other means of expression than that of her creation. The walls of her home, where she lives with her mother, are covered with drawings of bodybuilders, brown tape scattered along the outlines. A true community of men, women, hermaphrodites and wildlife, Misleidys has built her sociality through her work. Discovered by the gallery in 2014, she has been featured in more than 10 international exhibitions since 2018, including New Images of Man in Los Angeles, Flying High in Vienna, and Independent in New York. Acclaimed by Matthew Higgs and Karen Wong (New Museum, NYC), the artist has been the subject of recent reviews in the New York Times and Art in America.
A significant number of his works was donated to the Centre Pompidou collection in 2021.

kazumi kamae - © atelier yamanami, christian berst — art brut

Kazumi Kamae

After graduating from high school, Kazumi participated in Atelier Yamanami in 1985. Not confident of her words and actions, she had a hard time to tell others what she wanted to do or to express her feeling and desire with words. Both she and people around her were struggling for a long time to decide what’s best for Kazumi. One day, Kazumi fell in love with a man. She learned the joy to express her own feeling with clay, being encouraged or briefly commented by him. From this, she became more confident of herself little by little and was able to actively communicate with someone she loved and other people through creating and presenting her own work. At the beginning of her creation, she[…]

New Images of Man

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