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As part of its exhibition Michel Nedjar, momentum (a retrospective), from May 23rd to July 12th, the gallery organizes an evening around the artist on Tuesday, June 10th from 7 pm.

signature: Michel Nedjar will sign the 300-page bilingual (FR/EN) catalogue published on the occasion of this exhibition, prefaced by Stéphane Corréard, and in which his correspondence with Jean Dubuffet is reproduced for the first time.

projection: Michel Nedjar by Téo Hernandez, 1978, super 8 mm, 13’.

Splendid portrait of the artist in the process of making one of his dolls, which allows us to follow the entire genesis of the act of creation.

Téo Hernandez was born in 1939 in Mexico. At the end of the sixties, he moved to France where he died prematurely in 1992. He produced a prolific and beautiful cinematographic work . Téo Hernandez is one of the central figures of French experimental cinema.

round-table: “The impermanence of art brut” with Michel Nedjar, Stéphane Corréard, journalist, art critic, curator and expert; Claire Margat, philosopher, author and art critic and Déborah Couette, doctor in art history (L’Aracine, de l’association au musée: histoire d’une collection d’art brut).

Michel Nedjar
Michel Nedjar - © christian berst — art brut

He is the most widely exhibited and published living art brut artist, yet the extraordinary trajectory of this Frenchman raises a question that is rarely addressed: that of the impermanence of art brut. Discovered by Jean Dubuffet at a time when he was working on the resurgence of the symbolic body, he allowed himself to become the protean artist we know and who, in his creation, embodies absolute freedom. His work can be found in countless collections, and he was the first artist brut to enter the collections of the Musée national d’art moderne (Pompidou). Exhibited at the Monnaie de Paris, the Albertina Museum and the Mona, Michel Nedjar has been the subject of nine monographic exhibitions.

Signature, projection, round table

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