christian berstart brut
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Co-directed by Christian Berst and Raphaël Koenig.

Art brut is, at the dawn of the XXIst century, the last terra incognita of art. Almost absent from the history of art, this field remains largely unthought/ unknown. The conference will endeavor to go beyond the primitivist dogma of Dubuffet, while forging new tools to grasp the essence of this art of the intimate.

Since 1952, the Cerisy-la-Salle International Cultural Center has been a place for intellectual encounters. Since its creation, 850 colloquiums have been organized there and 650 works have been published.

This four-day colloquium will be fundamentally interdisciplinary, bringing together speakers from the university - combining the respective methodologies of the history of art and ideas, philosophy, sociology, and French and comparative literature - as well as practitioners - gallery owners, psychoanalysts, curators, art critics, and collectors - in order to cross approaches and to bring to light new perspectives on a subject that is still widely unexplored.

The stay of the participants of the Cerisy Colloquium will take place in a domain in Normandy, classified as a historical monument, composed of a Protestant castle from the beginning of the 17th century, with its outbuildings (the Farm, the Escures, the Orangery, the Mill). A place offering work and relaxation spaces to groups of individuals with different ages, professions and countries.

Colloque de Cerisy, 2022
Retour sur le colloque de Cerisy consacré à l’art brut dirigé en mai 2022 par Christian Berst et[…]
Language French
Cerisy colloquium :

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