christian berstart brut
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As part of the programme for its 5th year - talking about art brut today - the International College of Philosophy directed by Barbara proposes, in collaboration with the Maison rouge & abcd, its 4th session around the question: Are there links between art brut and “magical” objects?

A repetitive, systematic gesture is inseparable from the making and activation of an object of power. In order to channel the forces, attract, divert or deposit them by silencing them in a certain way, one twists and ties, stuffing and wrapping, coating and piercing. This characteristic gesture is also the plastic expression of a conjuration. Can we thus establish a link between the process of creating a work of art brut and that of a magical object?

With : Nanette Jacomijn Snoep, former curator at the musée du quai Branly, new director of the three ethnographic museums in Leipzig, Dresden and Hernnhut. She has taught African art at the Ecole du Louvre, has produced numerous exhibitions, such as Recipes of the gods. Aesthetics of the fetish, The masters of Disorder, Vodoo, the art of seeing differently and directed exhibition catalogues including Vodou. Around the Arbogast collection, preselected for the International Tribal Art Book Prize 2014.

Seminar on Art Brut

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