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As part of the programming for its 5th year - talking about art brut today - the International College of Philosophy, directed by Barbara Safarova, in collaboration with the Maison rouge & abcd, pays tribute to Michel Thévoz.

Together with Jean Dubuffet, Michel Thévoz was at the origin of the installation of the Collection de l’Art Brut in Lausanne in 1976, and he was its director until 2001.

Professor of art history and museology at the University of Lausanne (1986 - 2001), he has published about twenty books: L’Art Brut (Skira, 1975), Le langage de la rupture (PUF, 1978), Les écrits bruts (PUF, 1979), Art brut, psychose et médiumnité (La Différence, 1990), Requiem pour la folie (La Différence, 1995), etc. These works have shaped, for many of us, the way we look at and think about art brut. The last session of this year’s cycle wishes to pay tribute to him by proposing a dialogue on key points in his thinking.

With : Michel Thévoz, Lise Maurer, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, author of numerous essays on Art Brut artists (E. J Hodinos, and the latest Laure Pigeon, la femme plume, L’Art Brut 25), since 2003 leader of the multidisciplinary research seminar entitled “De la trinité en déroute au sinthome”, Manuel Anceau, professor of French and history-geography, author of numerous essays on artists of the art brut (Aloïse Corbaz, Janko Domsic, Adolf Wölfli etc.), and Bruno Decharme, founder of the Collection abcd.

Talking about Art Brut Today

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