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French artist Jill Gallieni’s prayers to Mary are exhibited from February 3rd to 28th in the gallery’s cabinet of curiosities.

Jill’s works were also presented at the NY gallery for its opening exhibition : Do The Write Thing : Read between the Lines from October 30th to December 21st 2014.

Jill’s work involves both materializing her prayer - like a mantra - while encrypting the letters to make it unreadable.

Jill Gallieni
portrait of jill gallieni - © christian berst — art brut

Jill Gallieni is as discreet and mysterious as are the prayers she lays on paper. Indeed, these prayers can only be addressed to the saints they invoke, for they are intentionally rendered unreadable. Cryptic writing par excellence, where absence is made visible, her work plunges us into a deep anchorite universe. For more than 10 years, the gallery has represented this French artist, whose works are as well part of major European collections of art brut such as that of the Museum of Modern Art (Pompidou), the Museum of LaM (France), of art brut in Lausanne (Switzerland) or even of the Hannah Rieger collection (Austria).

Jill Gallieni in the gallery’s cabinet of curiosities

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