6 drawing by zdeněk zošek in the exhibition “what the Horizon Promises”
La fondation du groupe EDF propose du 12 mars au 30 septembre 2025 “Ce que l’horizon promet”, une exploration artistique de notre rapport à l’avenir à travers les œuvres de 23 artistes contemporains, incluant une série de 6 dessins du Tchèque Zdeněk Košek à qui nous avons dédié une exposition et un catalogue monographique en 2020.
“Si l’horizon est une ligne imaginaire, un point de fuite toujours en mouvement, il est aussi une promesse : celle d’un futur possible, d’un inconnu à déchiffrer.”
A typographer by training, Košek first became a fairly conventional artist. When he fell into psychosis, he began to produce works as radical as poetic. Convinced that he plays a decisive role in the sequencing of the world, he spends his time at his window, recording his observations - meteorology, bird flights, insignificant facts - and aggregating them into diagrams supposed to ward off chaos. For fifteen years and across the world, from the Palais de Tokyo to the Maison Rouge, from the MONA (Australia) to the DOX in Prague and The Rencontres d’Arles, his Sibylline maps have been constantly interrogating.