christian berstart brut
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As the 60th Salon de Montrouge opens to the public on 5 May, the focus will be on two artists that Christian Berst, a member of the Collège Critique, has chosen to defend in particular: Elsa Fauconnet and Pascal Couchot.

Extracts :

L’Invention d’Elsa Fauconnet is a cosmogonic multimedia installation, mixing video, model and computer graphics with virtuosity. Starting from the study of hand movement, she ends up summoning Kepler, Allegri, the pilots of the Patrouille de France, Pacioli and Pythagoras. And, playing her own score, she invites us to reinvent the World and its principles by observing the forms that animate it. By intertwining poetics and serendipity, Elsa Fauconnet creates nothing less than a factory of the marvellous.

Pascal Couchot will have waited a long time before giving us the result of his research. Thirty years of fomenting in the secrecy of his laboratory the sacred formulas of his mathematical-geometrical-poetic models. Without freeing himself from the work of matter and the advent of form, he surveys the territory left in perpetual wasteland by Fluxus. With him, we no longer reduce the world to an equation, we sublimate it into an equation.

Montrouge Salon

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