christian berstart brut
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Eva Hober has decided to exhibit five artists chosen by five other gallerists: Fabienne Leclerc, Nathalie Obadia, Emmanuel Perrotin, Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois, and Christian Berst. Each are irreducibly singular: “Five different logics of commitment, of enthusiasm, of fierce will, of sharp demands, of cut decisions, of very clear choices,” writes the author Mériam Korichi, who adds about Christian Berst: “He has such a devouring passion for art brut that he opened a gallery out of necessity, to relieve the people around him, to exhibit what is seen nowhere else.”

The gallery presents 15 works by Zdenek Košek, currently on view in Le bord des Mondes at the Palais de Tokyo, Paris.

Galeristes à l’oeuvre - © christian berst — art brut
Zdenek Košek
portrait - © © Mario del Curto, christian berst — art brut

A typographer by training, Košek first became a fairly conventional artist. When he fell into psychosis, he began to produce works as radical as poetic. Convinced that he plays a decisive role in the sequencing of the world, he spends his time at his window, recording his observations - meteorology, bird flights, insignificant facts - and aggregating them into diagrams supposed to ward off chaos. For fifteen years and across the world, from the Palais de Tokyo to the Maison Rouge, from the MONA (Australia) to the DOX in Prague and The Rencontres d’Arles, his Sibylline maps have been constantly interrogating.

Galeristes à l’oeuvre

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