christian berstart brut
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The center for contemporary art La Panacée in Montpellier presents Anatomies of the automaton from the 21st November 2015 to the 28th February 2016.

This exhibition takes for starting point the analogy between the human body and a machine to explore fantasy of the artificial life.

The gallery and some collectors of the gallery lent six artworks of the «inventor» Jean Perdrizet to appear.

Jean Perdrizet
Jean Perdrizet - © christian berst — art brut

This former bridge and pavement engineer, who became an “inventor,” fascinated all the scientists he met. He relentlessly sought to awaken consciences by overstepping the bounds of reason. The plans of his inventions, which he addressed to the highest scientific bodies, such as NASA, the CNRS or the Nobel Committee, are all invitations to reconsider the possibilities of physics, giving us the codes of an elsewhere. The one to whom we have dedicated an important monograph is present today in eminent collections : Mnan-Pompidou Center (France), collection de l’art brut (Swiss), LaM (France), Pinacothèque Hervé Lancelin (Luxembourg) ou Antoine de Galbert (France).

Anatomies of the automaton

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