christian berstart brut
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An exhibition on the aesthetics of rage, the anger carried by the most deprived in our contemporary societies. Each of the works presented intrinsically involves this sociological and political questioning of the materialisation and aestheticisation of an emotion that can be both singular and collective: rage.

A l’Aponia, Centre d’art contemporain de Villiers sur Marne.

portrait - © christian berst — art brut

Anibal Brizuela

Spotted in Rosario’s psychiatric institution, his work was exhibited for the first time in 2005 at the ArteBA contemporary art fair in Buenos Aires. Although his approach was initially dazibao, subtly off-center geometric patterns and a sharp typography clearly illustrate a more private formal grammar. The compositions of the enigmatic man, fascinated by conspiracy, appear like an attempt to alert humanity. Present in important collections, his works have been shown notably in the art brut exhibitions: a story of individual mythologies (Oliva Creative Factory, Portugal) and in the Museum of Everything by James Brett in MoNa (Australia).

Franco Bellucci - © christian berst — art brut

Franco Bellucci

A frequent participant to the Blu Cammello workshop in Livorno, Bellucci was first discovered by artist Riccardo Bargellini. The hybrid sculptures he produces are made up of heterogeneous objects whose fates are inexorably linked, observed sometimes through the prism of their transitional, fetishist or apotropaic value.
Present in the collections of the Musée National d’Art Moderne (Pompidou) and the Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt, his works have been shown in several major exhibitions, notably at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris.
“These works are endowed with a symbolic power that many ‘professional’ artists are incapable of achieving. “(P. Dagen, Le Monde)

Aesthetics of Rage

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