christian berstart brut
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Photo Days invites you to visit thirty places in thirty days that includes galleries and museums, but also the apartment of a collector and the Rotonde Balzac: an unknown place taken over by an artist.

The month-long event covers a wide spectrum of subjects covered by French as well as international photographers ranging from exploring inner journeys to feminism, from documentary photography to plastic photography via fashion, nudes or landscapes that portray realities as well as fantasies. From the left to the right bank of the Seine, Photo Days guides you around Paris to discover their program which includes exhibition visits as well as other curated meeting and talk.

le fétichiste (anonyme)
le fétichiste (anonyme) - © christian berst — art brut

This is the story of an anonymous photographic collection that surfaced from the secret depths to which it seemed doomed. Hundreds of amateur prints created over the course of a decade, between 1996 and 2006, that bear witness to the fetishistic habits of its author, manifested through pictures of legs covered with tights, taken either in the street or from a television screen. His practice evokes that of Miroslav Tichý, with the principal difference that our photographer sometimes becomes a subject himself. In both cases—as is often true with art brut—are the burning questions of the construction to which our gaze proceeds and of the collective imagination’s role in this individual[…]

Photo days

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