christian berstart brut
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le fétichiste (anonyme) - © christian berst — art brut
Name le fétichiste (anonyme)
Date 0 —
Country France

This is the story of an anonymous photographic collection that surfaced from the secret depths to which it seemed doomed. Hundreds of amateur prints created over the course of a decade, between 1996 and 2006, that bear witness to the fetishistic habits of its author, manifested through pictures of legs covered with tights, taken either in the street or from a television screen. His practice evokes that of Miroslav Tichý, with the principal difference that our photographer sometimes becomes a subject himself. In both cases—as is often true with art brut—are the burning questions of the construction to which our gaze proceeds and of the collective imagination’s role in this individual mythology.

Please contact us to inquire about the available works.
untitled, 1996
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 1998
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 2001
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 1998
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 1997
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 2005
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 2003
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 2002
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 2002
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 1998
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled - © christian berst — art brut
untitled, 2003
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 1996
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 2002
5.91 x 3.94 in
untitled, 2000
5.91 x 3.94 in
untitled, 2002
5.91 x 3.94 in
untitled, 2005
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 2001
3.94 x 5.91 in
untitled, 2002
3.94 x 5.91 in
the fetishist anatomy of a mythology
The fetishist : anatomy of a mythology - © christian berst — art brut

Texts : Marc Donnadieu et Magali Nachtergael
Foreword : Christian Berst
Catalog published to mark the exhibition the fetishist : anatomy of a mythology, from october 15th to november 21st, 2020.

FETISH: Photographs by Jorge Alberto Cadi, Le Fétichiste and Miroslav Tichý
ricco/maresca gallery new york. From April 18 to May 18, 2024.
The words to say it #1
curator: laurianne melierre, main gallery. From April 11 to May 11, 2024.
15 years of the Estelle and Hervé Francès foundation:
José Manuel Egea, Jorge Alberto Cadi, Pierre Molinier and the fetishist are now part of the collection, Fondation d’entreprise d’Estelle et Hervé Francès. March 20, 2024.
how I would like myself to ‘be’ 
curator: marc donnadieu, the bridge by christian berst. From February 8 to March 30, 2024.
2023, Palexpo, Genova. From January 26 to 29, 2023.
View more
collection Bruno Decharme, Botanique, CENTRALE for contemporary art, Art et marges musée & Tiny Gallery. From November 24, 2022 to March 19, 2023.
mirror mirror
Musée du Dr. Guislain & MoMu, Belgium. From October 1, 2022 to February 26, 2023.
débordement #1: the pathfinders
by anaël pigeat & yvannoé krüger, the bridge + main gallery. From November 25, 2021 to January 16, 2022.
You’ve Gone Incognito :
Cross - dressing and home photoshoots, Instytut Fotografii Fort, Warsaw. From September 30 to October 31, 2021.
A ppr oc he
#4. From May 26 to 30, 2021.
Yes or notes
curated by Charlélie Couture, the bridge by christian berst. From April 9 to June 13, 2021.
The Fetishist
Anatomy of a Mythology, at the gallery. From October 22, 2020 to January 24, 2021.
Sexual Personae
curated by Alison M. Gingeras, Hôtel Drouot, Paris. From October 21 to 29, 2020.
Exhibition view of *the fetishist : anatomy of a mythology*, christian berst art brut, Paris, 2020 - © christian berst art brut, christian berst — art brut
le fétichiste (anonyme) - © christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *the fetishist : anatomy of a mythology*, christian berst art brut, paris, 2020 - © christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *photo brut #2*, le botanique, brussels, 2022-2023 - © © Luk Vander Plaetse, christian berst — art brut
Exhibition view of *the fetishist : anatomy of a mythology*, christian berst art brut, Paris, 2020 - © christian berst art brut, christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *débordement #1 : les révélateurs* curated by Anaël Pigeat and Yvannoé Krüger, the bridge + christian berst art brut, Paris, 2021 - © christian berst — art brut
Exhibition view of *the fetishist : anatomy of a mythology*, christian berst art brut, Paris, 2020 - © christian berst art brut, christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of the gallery booth for *approach*, christian berst art brut, Paris, 2021 - © © Gregory Copitet, christian berst — art brut
le fétichiste (anonyme) - © christian berst — art brut
Press review
Ricco/Maresca Gallery – Christian Berst Art Brut : FETISH : Jorge Alberto Cadi, Le Fétichiste et Miroslav Tichý
L’Œil De La Photographie. May 13, 2024.
christian berst art brut unveils two new exhibitions
Photos : Michaël Huard, Saywho. April 16, 2024.
The words to say it #1
Agenda Paris Photo. April 16, 2024.
exposition : comme je me voudrais “être”
Chirine Hammouch, Art Press. March 21, 2024.
expo : comme je me voudrais “être”
Télérama. March 12, 2024.
View more
Comme je me voudrais être - En galerie
Christine Coste, Le Journal Des Arts. February 27, 2024.
l’exposition comme je me voudrais “être” par marc donnadieu
Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou. February 14, 2024.
openings life lines + how I would myself to “be”
Happening Next. February 14, 2024.
L’Art Brut. De Dubuffet à Bowie. Confidences du galeriste Christian Berst
Joseph Achoury Klejman, Best. June 5, 2022.
5 expos gratuites qui nous motivent en janvier
Maïlys Celeux-Lanval , Beaux Arts Magazine. January 2, 2022.
Le fétichisme, de mère en fille
La Rédaction, Second Sexe. December 6, 2021.
conversation : what is art brut photography all about?
Marc Donnadieu, Corinne Rondeau, Bruno Decharme, Christian Berst, Paris Photo - La Plateforme, Youtube. November 13, 2021.
La photo anonyme et son halo de mystère envoûtent les collectionneurs
Roxana Azimi, Le Monde. November 10, 2021.
Trio gagnant pour a ppr oc he
Stéphane Renault, The Art Newspaper. May 27, 2021.
Le salon a ppr oc he ouvre dans trois galeries à Paris
A-L.T., The Art Newspaper. May 26, 2021.
La photo brute se découvre encore
Bruno Dubreuil, Viens Voir. January 22, 2021.
Endless, nameless – un regard contemporain sur l’art brut
Léo Guy-Denarcy, AOC. January 14, 2021.
Les expos à voir absolument dans les galeries parisiennes
La Rédaction, Do It In Paris. January 14, 2021.
“le fétichiste”, l’homme mystérieux qui photographie les jambes des femmes à leur insu
Matthieu Jacquet, Numéro. January 13, 2021.
Chronique de Christophe Bier sur l’œuvre du fétichiste (à partir de 54’55)
Christophe Bier, Mauvais Genres - France Culture. January 9, 2021.
Il feticista del collant: a Parigi la mostra del collezionista di gambe velate
Benedetta Perilli, La Repubblica. January 4, 2021.
Fetishism makes an exhibition of itself: The Paris gallery portraying upskirting as an art form
Rory Mulholland, The Independent. December 14, 2020.
Le fétichisme de l’art brut
Philippe Godin, La Diagonale De L’art - Mediapart. December 14, 2020.
Oh les beaux livres #2
Guillaume Lasserre, Mediapart. December 13, 2020.
Photo days: l’événement qui anime la vie culturelle parisienne - nouvelles dates
Cécile D., Sortir à Paris. December 3, 2020.
L’esthète et les jambes
Clémentine Mercier, Libération. December 1, 2020.
Réouverture des galeries : Backslash, Mor Charpentier, Templon, Anne-Sarah Benichou…
La Rédaction, Fomo-vox. December 1, 2020.
Déconfinement : 10 expositions gratuites à faire en galerie
Marie Maertens, Valérie De Maulmin, Virginie Huet, Connaissance Des Arts. November 28, 2020.
Confiné, l’art ruse et se réinvente
Manon Schaefle, Art Hebdo Médias. November 18, 2020.
Le fétichiste, anatomie d’une mythologie
Frédérique Chapuis , Télérama Sortir. November 11, 2020.
Le Fétichiste et l’Exhibitionniste
Claire Margat, November 10, 2020.
Fétichisme, où commence la fiction, par la galerie Christian Berst
Fabien Ribery , Blog L’intervalle. November 9, 2020.
Galerie Christian Berst : Le Fétichiste, anatomie d’une mythologie
La Rédaction, L’œil De La Photographie. October 27, 2020.
Christian Berst : dialogues with art brut
Catherine Millet, Artpress. October 23, 2020.
Christian Berst : « L’art brut est au cœur et non à la marge »
Marie-Laure Desjardins, Art Hebdo Médias. October 22, 2020.
christian berst, l’art brut comme un art contemporain
Emma Noyant, Art Absolument. October 9, 2020.
a ppr oc he 2020 : retour aux sources
La Rédaction, The Steidz. September 27, 2020.
le fétichiste: anatomie d’une mythologie
La Rédaction, 9lives Magazine. August 1, 2020.
Pour ses 15 ans, la galerie christian berst ouvre un nouvel espace
La Rédaction, Happening. July 28, 2020.
A ppr oc he dévoile son édition 2020
Amélie Com, The Art Newspaper Daily . July 21, 2020.
collection sophie calle
Antoine Frérot collection
abcd / Bruno Decharme collection
Treger Saint Silvestre collection
Antoine de Galbert collection
View more
Emmanuelle and Guy Delcourt collection
Francès Fondation
le fétichiste : anatomie d’une mythologie BFM Paris
Exhibition “the fetishist : anatomy of a mythology” Open until January 24, 2021 at christian berst[…]
table ronde fétichisme et art brut
Table ronde « fétichisme et art brut » du samedi 16 janvier 2021, à l’occasion de l’exposition « le[…]
trailer - débordement #1 : les révélateurs / the pathfinders
video - the exhibition presented by the curators
visite guidée marc donnadieu the bridge
le fétichiste (anonyme)

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