christian berstart brut
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As part of its 5th year programming - talking about art brut today - the College International de Philosophie, directed by Barbara Safarova, in collaboration with la Maison rouge and abcd, proposes its 5th session around the question of creation in the workshops.

  • Thursday, January 8, 2015 at La maison rouge -

L’Atelier Goldstein and La “S” Grand Atelier, two creative venues that encourage and support mentally challenged creators.

How do these places allow the emergence of raw creations, works such as those of Hans-Jörg Georgi, Julius Bockelt, Joseph Lambert, Eric Derkenne or the Secret Army?

What influence can the studio environment have on these artists? How does the relationship between a raw artist and the one who supports him feed? But sometimes the relationship does not work, the raw artist refusing any mediation (Judith Scott, Dan Miller, Carlo Zinelli, Johann Hauser to name but a few). How do these places preserve the integrity of creators and creations in this sometimes multidisciplinary culture? These two workshop directors will address these questions and their current projects.

With : Christiane Cuticchio, founder and director of the Goldstein workshop in Frankfurt and Anne-Françoise Rouche, founder and director of the artistic laboratory La “S” Grand Atelier in Vielsalm, Belgium.

Joseph Lambert
Joseph Lambert - © christian berst — art brut

Joseph Lambert spent his days in the ‘S’ Grand Atelier writing, knitting “words,” signs understood by only him and attached to each other to form visual sentences, which form a stratum, a geological layer in the heart of the text as if the landscape stretched out all the while rolling itself up, in a twist. Text, texture, textile, weaving of signs. Present in the collections of the Musée national d’Art moderne (Pompidou), it was notably exhibited at the Maison Rouge, in 2015 and at the LAM (Villeneuve-d’Ascq), in 2018, in the at the LAM (Villeneuve-d’Ascq), in 2018, in the exhibition “Les refuges du récit”.

Talking about Art Brut today

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