Joseph Lambert
Joseph Lambert spent his days in the ‘S’ Grand Atelier writing, knitting “words,” signs understood by only him and attached to each other to form visual sentences, which form a stratum, a geological layer in the heart of the text as if the landscape stretched out all the while rolling itself up, in a twist. Text, texture, textile, weaving of signs. Present in the collections of the Musée national d’Art moderne (Pompidou), it was notably exhibited at the Maison Rouge, in 2015 and at the LAM (Villeneuve-d’Ascq), in 2018, in the at the LAM (Villeneuve-d’Ascq), in 2018, in the exhibition “Les refuges du récit”.
Joseph Lambert works in La “S” Grand Atelier, an art and cultural centre located in the Belgian Ardennes. There, with the patience of a monastic scribe, he writes an endless text in a language known only to himself. He strokes swirl in blues, yellows, and violets to create their magic… So many wavelengths with which Lambert lights up the world like a celestial body whose gravitational pull the reader-spectator suddenly feels.
The result perhaps calls to mind geological layers, or else a series of superimposed rainbows. Thus does Lambert’s writing-cum-drawing preserve its appearance of a coloured book of spells, whose secrets no one will ever be able to purloin.
Manuel Anceau

Preface : Raphaël Koenig.
Foreword : Christian Berst.
Catalog published to mark the exhibition In abstracto #2, from March 5th to May 30th, 2020.