christian berstart brut
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une monde d’art brut

éditions Delcourt

Oriol Malet and Christian Berst invite you - in the company of Hans Prinzhorn, Jean Dubuffet and Harald Szeemann - on a guided tour of the little-known world of art brut, and of six of its greatest creators.

Discover the saga of the Vivian Girls imagined by Henry Darger, the abundant gouaches of Carlo Zinelli, the mediumistic creations of Madge Gill, the world-work of Adolf Wölfli, the poetry of Jean Perdrizet’s inventions, or the ardor of Mary T. Smith’s paintings. The narrative is completed by a portfolio of seventeen contemporary art brut artists.

Illustrator, colorist : Oriol Malet
Co-writer : Christian Berst

Pages 120 color printed
cm 20.3 x 26.4 cm
Price 17.95 €

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