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On the occasion of the publication of un monde d’art brut by Delcourt ed. (drawings by Oriol Malet, co-written by Christian Berst), the artist invests The Bridge with original drawings and will give a live drawing performance during the night of the opening.

Oriol Malet and Christian Berst invite you - in the company of Hans Prinzhorn, Jean Dubuffet and Harald Szeemann - on a guided tour of the little-known world of art brut, and of six of its greatest creators. Discover the saga of the Vivian Girls imagined by Henry Darger, the abundant gouaches of Carlo Zinelli, the mediumistic creations of Madge Gill, the world-work of Adolf Wölfli, the poetry of Jean Perdrizet’s inventions, or the ardor of Mary T. Smith’s paintings. The narrative is completed by a portfolio of seventeen contemporary art brut artists.

exhibition view of *un monde d'art brut, by Oriol Malet*, the bridge by christian berst, Paris, 2021 - © christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *un monde d'art brut, by Oriol Malet*, the bridge by christian berst, Paris, 2021 - © christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *un monde d'art brut, by Oriol Malet*, the bridge by christian berst, Paris, 2021 - © christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *un monde d'art brut, by Oriol Malet*, the bridge by christian berst, Paris, 2021 - © christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *un monde d'art brut, by Oriol Malet*, the bridge by christian berst, Paris, 2021 - © christian berst — art brut
une monde d’art brut éditions Delcourt
un monde d’art brut - © christian berst — art brut

Oriol Malet and Christian Berst invite you - in the company of Hans Prinzhorn, Jean Dubuffet and Harald Szeemann - on a guided tour of the little-known world of art brut, and of six of its greatest creators.

Discover the saga of the Vivian Girls imagined by Henry Darger, the abundant gouaches of Carlo Zinelli, the mediumistic creations of Madge Gill, the world-work of Adolf Wölfli, the poetry of Jean Perdrizet’s inventions, or the ardor of Mary T. Smith’s paintings. The narrative is completed by a portfolio of seventeen contemporary art brut artists.

Illustrator, colorist : Oriol Malet
Co-writer : Christian Berst

Press review
Un Monde d’art Brut - Par Oriol Malet & Christian Berst - Delcourt/Encrages
DT, ActuBD. August 13, 2022.
Un monde d’art brut
Marie Zawisza, Le Journal Des Arts. March 28, 2022.
Oriol Malet: “Me ilusionan los encargos que no sé si sabré hacer”
Francesca Bombi-Vilaseca Barcelona, La Vanguardia. January 4, 2022.
Diez cómics singulares para regalar esta Navidad
Asier Mensuro, ABC Cultura. December 29, 2021.
Jean Dubuffet et Gaston Chaissac, si près de l’art brut
Valérie Duponchelle, Le Figaro / Culture. December 27, 2021.
View more
Los mejores cómics de 2021
Iván Pintor Iranzo, Diari De Tarragona. December 27, 2021.
Historias crudas, historias poéticas: cómic y novela gráfica para leer y regalar en estas fiestas
Jordi Canyissà, La Vanguardia. December 22, 2021.
Un monde d’art brut
J. Milette, BDGest. December 20, 2021.
La hotte est pleine !
Léa Cances, Art Hebdo Médias. December 20, 2021.
‘Art brut’, entre la genialidad y la locura
Jordi Canyissà Barcelona, La Vanguardia. December 8, 2021.
Culture / L’Art brut: un succès non démenti
Yves Tenret, Bon Pour La Tête. November 19, 2021.
Un monde d’Art Brut, une initiation en BD
Laetitia Larralde, Toute La Culture. November 8, 2021.
« Un monde d’art brut » : la fureur de créer
Jonathan Fanara, Le Mag Du Ciné. October 27, 2021.
BD du mois – Se laisser tenter par l’aventure
Charlène Ponzo, Maze. October 27, 2021.
Un vieux monsieur dérangé
Géant Vert, Rock & Folk. October 22, 2021.
“L’art brut” d’Oriol Malet arriba a París
Marta Vives Masdeu, El Matí De Catalunya Ràdio. October 15, 2021.
Berst = Brut
Frédéric Bosser, Les Arts Dessinés. October 12, 2021.
L’art brut adapté en bande dessinée
Natacha Wolinski, The Art Newspaper. October 8, 2021.
Oriol Malet presentarà a París el seu nou còmic ‘Un monde d’Art Brut’
La Rédaction, Exterior. September 6, 2021.
un monde d’art brut, par Oriol Malet
un monde d’art brut :

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