beyond the boundaries season 2010
discoveries and recent acquisitions
For the past five years, our gallery has been encouraging an ever wider audience to explore the terra incognita of Art Brut. The creators featured in the gallery invite us - albeit in many cases unknowingly - on a mental, geographic, and aesthetic journey. The twin virtues of genius and madness, social exclusion, and a close connection with other spaces are the fertile ground where these wild flowers grow. They give a strikingly authentic glimpse into unfamiliar mental states and remind us that the beginnings of art are the alpha and omega of all forms of creativity, with the ability to change the way we look at the world. Above and beyond the dominant canons of art, Art Brut is pure creativity, stripped of the often overly conventional contortions of «official» art. It is a guide, stilling our hunger for meaning in an age that has lost its compass.
As France prepares to open its first museum devoted to Art Brut, and exhibitions, publications, and research on Art Brut are flourishing worldwide, we are delighted to continue our work promoting the dialogue of the intimate and the universal.

Foreword : Christian Berst
Catalog published to mark the exhibition Beyond the boundaries : discoveries and new acquisitions 2010, from september 16th to october 16th, 2010.
Co published with les éditions Le livre d’art, 2010.