Cecilie Markova
Cecilie Marková, was born into a modest family in Kyjoy, Slovakia (Czech Republic), and trained as a hatmaker before finding work in a clothing shop. Introduced to spiritualism by her husband, she demonstrated a particular ability to communicate with those beyond this world. At the age of 42, her husband died suddenly of pneumonia, leaving her alone and childless. She immediately found refuge in spiritualism and began transcribing her communications with various spirits on paper in order to make them visible to the naked eye. These otherworldly exchanges would ultimately give a singularly focused meaning to her life. Her drawing practice followed a ritual that began with a short meditation. Guided solely by an invisible force, she drew her patterns with graphite in a spontaneous and nervous manners, revisiting the works later to apply color to the medium-inspired patterns.
Her highly personal and intriguing creations, teeter on the verge of a revelation, presenting fantastic hybrid beings—plants, mollusks, and primitive amphibians—floating forms that seem to dissolve and, in the process, form an abstract composition.
Cecilie Marková wrote: “I am attracted to worlds where there are no real forms.”

Preface : Philippe Baudouin
Foreword : Christian Berst.
Catalog published to mark the exhibition Beyond : on the edge of the visible and the invisible, from March 6th to April 13th, 2019.