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Beyond – unhindered by its article – not only exceeds our relationship to the divine, but allows us to reconnect to the genesis of the creative act, the fabrication of an object neither entirely cultish, nor entirely cultural, and which, when it doesn’t resolve the mystery, makes it visible.

Artists – or were they shamans? – always maintained a rich dialogue with the invisible. These intercessors would, in this way, give form to that which was “beyond,” beyond life, beyond the world of men, beyond time, beyond meaning. And this form would end up taking on the most sacred character possible, making it impossible to tell if such a work was more a part of the answer or the question. Unless the two are forever intertwined.

These cosmogonic or religious aspirations essentially came, however, from collective mythologies. Yet modern societies have since allowed for the emergence of artists liberated from certain normative constraints. This, as individuals are emancipated, all the more so when they are inhabited by a feverish alterity. Brut artists are made of this metal alloy, from which the most fascinating individual mythologies possible get forged.

Whatever their motivations may be, the elsewhere that they call forth, that they interpret, requires new languages, new forms, new laws. They know full well that in order to reach what is beyond us, one must go beyond the self, beyond reason itself.

Keeping to the confines of the visible and the invisible, in the thickness of the mirror, the basis of humanity takes a new turn. New potentialities appear when life and death are unseparated, when we are no longer the only ones crossing paths with our destinies in the universe, when the imagination, as Einstein used to say, “takes you where you want.”

Ufologists, mystics, cosmogonists, spiritualists, demiurges, metaphysicians, they all take part in this enterprise of reenchanting the world through art: “Whether they are mediums, clairvoyants, visionaries, the authors of Art Brut are attached to piercing the mysteries of this simultaneously fascinating and frightening transcendence using their technique and their art. Mysterium tremendum et fascinans.” (Philippe Baudouin).

Beyond – unhindered by its article – not only exceeds our relationship to the divine, but allows us to reconnect to the genesis of the creative act, the fabrication of an object neither entirely cultish, nor entirely cultural, and which, when it doesn’t resolve the mystery, makes it visible.

Curator : Philippe Baudouin, expert in occult sciences.
With the kind participation of the International Metapsychic Institute of Paris.

exhibition view of *the beyond : on the edge of the visible and the invisible*, christian berst art brut, paris, 2019. - © christian berst art brut, photo: elena groud, christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *the beyond : on the edge of the visible and the invisible*, christian berst art brut, paris, 2019. - © christian berst art brut, photo: elena groud, christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *the beyond : on the edge of the visible and the invisible*, christian berst art brut, paris, 2019. - © christian berst art brut, photo: elena groud, christian berst — art brut
Please contact us to inquire about the available works.
particulas de tu A.D.N (la celula) - © christian berst — art brut
Alexandro Garcia particulas de tu A.D.N (la celula), 2015
19.29 x 13.39 in
Ionel Talpazan untitled (Américan Dream and science) , 2006
64.17 x 29.92 in
untitled - © christian berst — art brut
Raphaël Lonné untitled, 1969
22.83 x 18.9 in
untitled - © christian berst — art brut
Fernand Desmoulin untitled, 1900
7.87 x 9.84 in
untitled (The Word) - © christian berst — art brut
John Urho Kemp untitled (The Word), 1999
8.27 x 10.63 in
untitled (prayor to Mary) - © christian berst — art brut
Jill Gallieni untitled (prayor to Mary), 2014
9.45 x 12.6 in
Fernand Desmoulin - © christian berst — art brut
Fernand Desmoulin
Janko Domsic - © christian berst — art brut
Janko Domsic
portrait of jill gallieni - © christian berst — art brut
Jill Gallieni
Alexandro Garcia - © christian berst — art brut
Alexandro Garcia
Madge Gill - © christian berst — art brut
Madge Gill
john urho kemp - © anonymous, christian berst — art brut
John Urho Kemp
portrait - © © Mario del Curto, christian berst — art brut
Zdenek Košek
portrait of raphaël lonné - © christian berst — art brut
Raphaël Lonné
Cecilie Markova - © christian berst — art brut
Cecilie Markova
Jean Perdrizet - © christian berst — art brut
Jean Perdrizet
Royal Robertson - © christian berst — art brut
Royal Robertson
patricia salen - © christian berst — art brut
Patricia Salen
ionel talpazan - © christian berst — art brut
Ionel Talpazan
Scottie Louis Freeman Wilson - © christian berst — art brut
Scottie Louis Freeman Wilson
anna zemankova - © christian berst — art brut
Anna Zemánková
henriette zéphir - © christian berst — art brut
Henriette Zephir
Beyond on the edge of the visible and the invisible
Catalogue published to mark the exhibition *the beyond : on the edge of the visible and the invisible*, christian berst art brut, Paris, 2019. - © christian berst — art brut

Preface : Philippe Baudouin
Foreword : Christian Berst.
Catalog published to mark the exhibition Beyond : on the edge of the visible and the invisible, from March 6th to April 13th, 2019.


Press review
Wall Street International. March 21, 2019.

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