G.C. Deprie
1935 — 1999
United States
A Navy veteran, plagued by heart problems and visibly “nervous”, Gerald DePrie lived alone with his dog in a small apartment in Huntington, West Virginia. “Creative” DePrie is a name he chose for himself.
The themes of his drawings, which he executed very quickly, are diverse: flowers, nudes, architecture. When he drew a character, “Creative” DePrie represented him first naked, then added clothing. He was fascinated by nursery rhymes and ancient places, especially Egypt.
Please contact us to inquire about the available works.
treger saint silvestre collection, Centro de Arte Oliva. From June 28, 2024 to April 27, 2025.
Sereno variavel
curated by Antonia Gaeta, Centro de Arte Oliva, São João da Madeira. From October 31, 2020 to May 2, 2021.
In the flesh
real bodies, at the gallery. From June 14 to July 11, 2020.
Treger Saint-Silvestre Collection, Centro de Arte Oliva, Portugal. From April 13 to September 15, 2019.
in the flesh : corps véritables - du 14/06 au 12/07 - christian berst art brut, paris
La Rédaction, Point Contemporain. June 1, 2020.
Dessins (prière de toucher)
Philippe Ducat, Oh Cet Echo. April 16, 2013.
Antoine Frérot collection
abcd / Bruno Decharme collection
Treger Saint Silvestre collection
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