Art brut
ABCD Collection / Bruno Decharme
For its twelfth showing of a private collection, la maison rouge invites Bruno Decharme to present his exceptional collection of art brut.
The exhibition at la Maison rouge, curated by Bruno Decharme and Antoine de Galbert, will show a selection of some 400 works (drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, assemblages, etc.) by 200 artists.

Beverly Baker

Franco Bellucci

Julius Bockelt

Anselme Boix Vives

Giovanni Bosco

Anibal Brizuela

Raimundo Camilo

Aloïse Corbaz

James Edward Deeds

Fernand Desmoulin

John Devlin

Janko Domsic

Eugène Gabritschevsky

Pepe Gaitán

Ousseynou Gassama

Pietro Ghizzardi

Madge Gill

Johann Hauser

Emile Josome Hodinos

Josef Hofer

Yumiko Kawaï

Davood Koochaki

Johann Korec

Zdenek Košek

Joseph Lambert

Augustin Lesage

Rudolf Limberger

Alexandre Lobanov

Raphaël Lonné

Dwight Mackintosh

Kunizo Matsumoto

Dan Miller

Edmund Monsiel

Satoshi Morita

Albert Moser

Koji Nishioka

Jean Perdrizet

Luboš Plný

Martin Ramirez

Marco Raugei

André Robillard

Mary T. Smith

Eugene Von Bruenchenhein