guided tour by laurianne melierre
the words to say it #1
On the occasion of the exhibition the words to say it #1, curator Laurianne Melierre is offering a 45 minutes guided tour on April 13th. Rendez-vous at 4:00 PM at the main gallery.
For this first exhibition in the series the words to say it, we entrusted the curation to Laurianne Melierre, founder of PLUME, an agency for writing and editorial strategy led by journalists.
Born after the release of Nirvana’s Nevermind and before the collapse of the USSR, Laurianne Melierre worked as a section editor for Glamour, L’Obs, and Le Parisien from 2013 to 2018. Obsessed with words and the way they are used, she then founded PLUME, the first copywriting and editorial consulting agency powered by journalists, authors and poets. She also interviews figures such as Assa Traoré or Claudie Haigneré and produces podcasts including: “Manger”, “Émotions de peau” and “Fashion our Future.”
The exhibition will remain open to the public until May 11th, 2024 from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
© image: portrait of Laurianne Melierre by Louis Lepron