salon des galeries et des collectionneurs engagés
Galeristes militates for “another world of art”. Conceived as an “exhibition of galleries”, Galeristes promotes real encounters between gallery owners and collectors, relationships that are consolidated over time.
The gallery is pleased to participate in the first edition of “le salon des galeries et des collectionneurs engagés” founded by Stéphane Corréard, which will be held at the Carreau du Temple from December 8 to 11.
The scenography by Dominique Perrault creates a journey of discovery through the unique worlds of some forty gallery owners selected by a committee chaired by Michel Poitevin, administrator of Adiaf. Galeristes thus brings together a community of collectors, art enthusiasts and professionals, united by the same desire to promote their unique relationship with the gallery owners, who are essential intermediaries between artists and the public, during meetings about the works they present and their unique worlds.