christian berstart brut
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a ppr oc he is an art fair devoted to the experimentation of the photographic medium. Designed as an exhibition, with a curatorial gaze and consisting exclusively of solo shows, a ppr oc he highlights artists and invites conversation.

For this fourth edition, appr oc he has chosen to gather the artists selected by the curators Elsa Janssen, Emilia Genuardi, Léa Chauvel-Lévy and Tristan Lund in 3 galleries of the Marais :

christian berst art brut - 3-5 passage des Gravilliers 75003 Paris
Galerie Papillon - 13 rue Chapon 75003 Paris
Espace Bertrand Grimont - 43 rue de Montmorency 75003 Paris

We will welcome Katrien de Blauwer (les filles du Calvaire gallery) and Claudia Larcher (22,48m2 gallery), and will present exclusive photographs of the fetishist.

Open to the public, by reservation only, from Wednesday, May 26 to Saturday, May 29 from 1 pm to 8 pm and Sunday, May 30 from 11 am to 6 pm.

Dismantling the exhibition franco bellucci : as beautiful as…#2 from may 24 to 30.

Katrien de Blauwer, *Isabelle (6)*, 2016, photographic collage, 5,1 × 7 in, unique piece - © © Katrien de Blauwer / Courtesy Galerie Les filles du calvaire, christian berst — art brut
Katrien de Blauwer, *Isabelle (37)*,2019, photographic collage, 3,5 × 4,9 in. , unique piece - © © Katrien de Blauwer / Courtesy Galerie Les filles du calvaire, christian berst — art brut
A ppr oc he  - © christian berst — art brut
Claudia Larcher, *L'Archittetura no. 32*, 2018, paper collage, wooden frame, 12,9 × 9,8 × 3,5 in, unique piece - © © Claudia Larcher / Courtesy Galerie 22,48m2, christian berst — art brut
Claudia Larcher, *Ornament is crime (Urban Landscapes series)*, 2019, printed photograph, 15,7 × 24 in. , unique piece - © © Claudia Larcher / Courtesy Galerie 22,48m2, christian berst — art brut
Please contact us to inquire about the available works.
le fétichiste (anonyme) untitled, 2002
3.94 x 5.91 in
le fétichiste (anonyme) untitled, 1999
3.94 x 5.91 in
le fétichiste (anonyme) untitled, 1999
3.94 x 5.91 in
le fétichiste (anonyme) untitled, 1996
3.94 x 5.91 in
le fétichiste (anonyme) untitled, 2003
3.94 x 5.91 in
le fétichiste (anonyme) untitled, 2005
3.94 x 5.91 in
le fétichiste (anonyme)
le fétichiste (anonyme) - © christian berst — art brut

This is the story of an anonymous photographic collection that surfaced from the secret depths to which it seemed doomed. Hundreds of amateur prints created over the course of a decade, between 1996 and 2006, that bear witness to the fetishistic habits of its author, manifested through pictures of legs covered with tights, taken either in the street or from a television screen. His practice evokes that of Miroslav Tichý, with the principal difference that our photographer sometimes becomes a subject himself. In both cases—as is often true with art brut—are the burning questions of the construction to which our gaze proceeds and of the collective imagination’s role in this individual[…]

Press review
Galerie : au Salon Approche, des photos qui s’échappent du cadre
Claire Guillot, Le Monde. May 29, 2021.
Trio gagnant pour a ppr oc he
Stéphane Renault, The Art Newspaper. May 27, 2021.
Le salon a ppr oc he ouvre dans trois galeries à Paris
A-L.T., The Art Newspaper. May 26, 2021.
Photo: le salon a ppr o che devrait se tenir fin mai
A.H., The Art Newspaper Daily. April 19, 2021.
Paris Photo se réinvente avec Paris Photo Week-End 2020
Iseult Cahen-Patron, Connaissance Des Arts. October 23, 2020.
View more
a ppr oc he 2020 : retour aux sources
La Rédaction, The Steidz. September 27, 2020.
a ppr oc he, 4ème édition : interview exclusive Emilia Genuardi et Elsa Janssen
Marie-Elisabeth De La Fresnaye , 9lives. September 21, 2020.
a ppr oc he, 4ème édition : interview exclusive Emilia Genuardi et Elsa Janssen
La Rédaction, Fomo-vox. September 8, 2020.
A ppr oc he dévoile son édition 2020
Amélie Com, The Art Newspaper Daily . July 21, 2020.
A ppr oc he

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