Scrivere Disegnando
when the language seeks its other
Scrivere Disegnando (Writing by Drawing) is the very first collaborative project between the Collection de l’Art Brut in Lausanne and the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève. This exhibition about writing is curated by both directors Andrea Bellini and Sarah Lombardi.
The exhibition sets out to explore the tension and oscillations inherent in script, from the semantic realm to the uncharted territory of simple arabesques, automatic writings, repeated signs and scribbles.
More than 90 artists will be exhibited, including : Aloïse Corbaz, Jean Dubuffet, Pepe Gaitán, Jill Gallieni, Dwight Mackintosh, Kunizo Matsumoto, Jean Perdrizet, Jane Ruffié, August Walla, Melvin Way and Adolf Wölfli.