Leben in art brut
coll. Hannah Rieger
The Hannah Rieger Collection is one of the richest collections of Raw Art in Austria with about five hundred works.
Eighty of them have been selected for the exhibition Life in Art Brut (Leben in Art Brut), works by Austrian artists such as Johann Fischer, Johann Hauser, Oswald Tschirtner or Josef Hofer, but also by artists of 23 different nationalities.
Among the artists exhibited : Laila Bachtiar, Bervely Baker, Johann Fischer, Jill Gallieni, Madge Gill, Guo Fenjyi, Johann Hauser, Magali Herrera, Josef Hofer, Nina Karasek, Michel Nedjar, André Robillard, Harald Stoffers, Oswald Tschirtner, Ana Zemankova and Carlo Zinelli.

Beverly Baker

Thérèse Bonnelalbay

Guo Fengyi

Johann Fischer

Jill Gallieni

Madge Gill

Johann Hauser

Josef Hofer

Davood Koochaki

Michel Nedjar

Marilena Pelosi

André Robillard

Mary T. Smith

Harald Stoffers

Oswald Tschirtner

Anna Zemánková

Carlo Zinelli