Alexandro Garcia
The Uruguayan gardener, Alexandro García, began to transcribe his ethereal visions following an encounter of the third kind - or avistamiento - that he experienced as a child. Worthy heir to magical realism, however, he goes beyond its scope: he speaks to us of an elsewhere offered to our projections and to the colonization of a new humanity through inhabited and saturated architectures. Present notably in the abcd/Bruno Decharme collection (France), his work was shown in the exhibition Elévations in 2015, co-curated by Antoine de Galbert, and tribute to the Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval, a fairy tale palace built by the postman Ferdinand Cheval in 1879.
Alexandro García reveals his ethereal visions to us in meticulously executed drawings mixing fantastic cities – seemingly weightless or about to dash into sidereal infinity – with the ballets of constellations that came to their encounter. They are about an elsewhere offered to our projections and the colonization of a new humanity: “we are not alone”.
The experience of seeing a UFO – called avistamiento in Latin America – provoked this creativity in this gardener born in Montevideo (Uruguay) in 1970. It is without any formal artistic education or knowledge of drawing that Alexandro produced his first creations using a ruler, markers, ballpoint pens and pencils on the materials at his disposal (like the back of an almanac). His work is to be compared to mediumistic art in the sense that, according to him, forces are exerted there of which he is only the instrument: “I am a channel that absorbs the messages of the cosmos”.
Since Magali Herrera and, before her, the creators from Brazilian psychiatrist Osorio Cesar’s collection, Latin America had not allowed us to plunge so deeply into the meanders of artistic creation.
First exhibited in Europe at the gallery in 2010 and presented at Art Paris and the Salon du Dessin Contemporain in the same year, the artworks of Alexandro García are already part of several major collections of art brut.

Preface : Pablo Thiago Rocca
Foreword : Christian Berst
Catalog published to mark the exhibition Alexandro Garcia : no estamos solos II, from December 3rd to January 14th, 2017.