The Wall
Antoine de Galbert Collection
For its Tenth anniversary, La Maison Rouge presents Le Mur (The Wall) featuring works from the collection of Antoine de Galbert, the eleventh exhibition in a series highlighting private collections.
The exhibition includes works by: Eugene Von Bruenchenhein, Albert Moser, Harald Stoffers, Lubos Plny, Jean Perdrizet, James Edward Deeds, John Devlin, Michel Nedjar, Anna Zemankova, Patricia Salen, Scottie Wilson, Melvin Way, Malcolm Mc Kesson, Janko Domsic, Josef Hofer, Willem Van Genk, Charles Steffen, and Fernand Desmoulin.

James Edward Deeds

Fernand Desmoulin

John Devlin

Janko Domsic

Josef Hofer

Malcolm Mc Kesson

Albert Moser

Michel Nedjar

Jean Perdrizet

Luboš Plný

Patricia Salen

Harald Stoffers

Eugene Von Bruenchenhein

Melvin Way

George Widener

Scottie Louis Freeman Wilson

Anna Zemánková