christian berstart brut
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Tomasz Machciński (1942–2022), a war orphan and Polish laborer, dedicated 50 years of his life to creating over 22,000 photographic self-portraits. Ten years before Cindy Sherman, Machciński embarked on an intense quest for identity. Recently discovered, this monumental work has been acclaimed at the Rencontres d’Arles, Paris Photo, the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, and the Independent Art Fair in New York.

  • According to the artist’s wishes and in agreement with the Machciński Foundation, only 2,500 photographs from the estate will eventually be available for sale.
Tomasz Machcinski - © christian berst — art brut
Date 1942 — 2022
Country Poland

Tomasz Machciński, born 1942 in Poland, is a self-taught photographer and performer. As a war orphan, he received an autograph card from the Hollywood star actress Joan Tompkins with the words “With Love to ‘Tommy’ From ‘Mother’ Joan” as a part of a so-called remote adoption programme. For the first twenty years of his life, he was therefore convinced that Tompkins was his mother. The end of his “American Dream” and the loss of this supposed identity influenced Machciński’s artistic work.

To date, his oeuvre consists of more than 22,000 fictitious or appropriated identities, including only 1,500 on the market, captured in both photographic and film selfportraits. If he works as a mechanic, in his spare time, the artist nonchalantly embodies stars of the silver screen, icons of pop culture, figures from history, literature and politics, and other eccentric characters. His work depicts a variety of characters of different ethnic, sexual or social affiliations.

At the same time, these characters are also reinventions of his own identity. “Instead of wigs or tricks, I show everything that happens to my body, such as: hair regrowth, tooth loss, diseases, aging processes, etc.” By alternately revealing and hiding the weaknesses of his body, he lends it new meaning. In his work, Machciński serves as director and actor, make-up and costume designer, archivist, photographer and performance artist all at the same time. On the one hand his artistic practice is related to the European Art History through the play with the traditional methods of portraying and its conventions. Though on the other hand it goes along with the strategy of conceptual photography which uses the self-image as a vehicle to negotiate different meanings, present also in works of Cindy Sherman or Luigi Ontani. His photos as well as videos are performances made directly to the camera.

Tomasz Machciński is already established as a leading figure in brut photography, like Miroslav Tichy, Lee Godie, Eugene Von Bruenchenhein, who have only recently been recognized by the institutional art world.

In the year following the establishment, in 2018, of the Tomasz Machciński Foundation, his films were screened at the Whitechapel Gallery (London); that same year he participated in the Rencontres de la Photographie (Arles) in the exhibition PHOTO l BRUT, collection Bruno Decharme & compagnie. In 2020, he is exhibited at the American folk art museum of New York, and finally a great retrospective exhibition will be dedicated to him by the Manggha (Krakow) from May to September 2021. For its first participation in Paris Photo in 2021, the Christian Berst Art Brut Gallery exhibited the work of Tomasz Machciński. The artist passed away in January 2022 at the age of 79

In May 2024, on the occasion of the exhibition of Machciński’s photographs at the Independent Art Fair, journalist Will Heinrich wrote in The New York Times « For me, the fair’s most memorable event will be the American debut of the Polish photographer Tomasz Machciński (1942-2022), who started dressing up in character and shooting thrilling dangerous and vital self-portraits in the early 1960s. »

Please contact us to inquire about the available works.
untitled - © christian berst — art brut
untitled, 2009
9.06 x 14.96 in
untitled, 1976
2.36 x 3.54 in
untitled, 2010
11.42 x 14.96 in
untitled, 2000
3.54 x 4.72 in
untitled, 2010
11.02 x 14.96 in
untitled, 1996
2.36 x 3.54 in
untitled, 2017
7.48 x 11.81 in
untitled, 1996
3.54 x 4.72 in
untitled, 2011
11.81 x 14.96 in
untitled, 2004
2.76 x 3.54 in
untitled, 2010
10.63 x 14.96 in
untitled, 2003
3.54 x 3.94 in
tomasz machciński american dream, i made it all because of you
tomasz machinski american dream - © christian berst — art brut

catalog published on the occasion of the exhibition
tomasz machciński : american dream, I made it all because of you
curators: zofia płoska-czartoryska and katarzyna karwańska
from september 14th to november 10th
texts: will heinrich, marc donnadieu, zofia płoska-czartoryska and katarzyna karwańska

get the catalog: click here

tomasz machciński: american dream, I made it all because of you
curators: katarzyna karwańska and zofia płoska-czartoryska, main gallery. From September 14 to November 10, 2024.
duo show: tomasz machciński and tom wilkins in collaboration with the ricco/maresca gallery
Independent Art Fair, new york. From May 9 to 12, 2024.
over 50 brut artists in l’esprit singulier
Curator: Martine Lusardy, halle saint-pierre. From March 12 to August 14, 2024.
how I would like myself to ‘be’ 
curator: marc donnadieu, the bridge by christian berst. From February 8 to March 30, 2024.
middlegate / middlegate
Geel, Belgium. From September 17 to December 17, 2023.
View more
Portreto de la animo
collection Treger Saint-Silvestre, Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis, Porto, Portugal. From July 13 to November 12, 2023.
Mirror of Self :
with artworks by tomasz machciński, Hangar, Bruxelles. From January 27 to March 25, 2023.
2023, Palexpo, Genova. From January 26 to 29, 2023.
the butterfly dream, Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève. From January 25 to June 11, 2023.
collection Bruno Decharme, Botanique, CENTRALE for contemporary art, Art et marges musée & Tiny Gallery. From November 24, 2022 to March 19, 2023.
endless nameless,
curator : Léo Guy-Denarcy. From September 9 to October 2, 2022.
first edition, Hangar 14, Bordeaux. From July 8 to 10, 2022.
Traverser la nuit :
Works from the Antoine de Galbert collection, MAAT, Lisbonne. From March 12 to August 29, 2022.
Paris Photo
2021, Grand Palais Éphémère, Paris. From November 11 to 14, 2021.
You’ve Gone Incognito :
Cross - dressing and home photoshoots, Instytut Fotografii Fort, Warsaw. From September 30 to October 31, 2021.
curated by Nancy Huston, the bridge by christian berst. From September 11 to October 10, 2021.
World Exhibition, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo. From July 16 to September 5, 2021.
Thousands of Faces
Hundreds of Mirages, Manggha, Cracovie. From May 28 to September 5, 2021.
Photo Brut
Coll. Bruno Decharme & cie, American Folk Art Museum, New York. From January 24 to June 6, 2021.
tomasz machciński
with love to tommy, delmes & zander gallery, Cologne. From September 4 to October 24, 2020.
the theft and the destruction
curator : michal lukaszuk, arsenal gallery, pologne. From February 21 to April 9, 2020.
artists’film international part IV
tomasz machcinski, my songs 2011-2016, bonniers konsthall, stockholm, suède. From November 5 to 7, 2019.
artist’s film international
whitechapel gallery, londres. From October 1 to November 24, 2019.
tomasz machciński & type 42 (anonymous)
with love to tommy, fondation tomasz machciński, pologne. From September 20 to 29, 2019.
artists’ film international
gender, kunstforum, tormso, Norvège. From September 1 to 30, 2019.
Photo Brut
coll. Bruno Decharme & cie, Rencontre d'Arles. From July 1 to September 22, 2019.
will there be war tomorrow?
musée d’art moderne de varsovie, pologne. From July 4 to 7, 2018.
święci zawszańcy
tomasz machciński, square adam mickiewicz, poznan, pologne. From July 17 to 25, 2017.
i’m no longer a dog
curators : zofia czartoryska et katarzyna karwańska, Muzeum śląskie, Katowice, Pologne. From April 1 to September 10, 2017.
the thousand faces
école nationale de cinéma, lodz, pologne. From March 3 to May 28, 2017.
tomasz machciński
but in color, galerie sztuki im. jana tarasina, pologne. From September 3 to December 3, 2016.
why we have wars?
the art of modern-day outsiders, musée d’art moderne, varsovie. From February 19 to May 1, 2016.
the thousand faces
galerie tak, poznan, pologne. From January 1 to March 25, 2016.
Exhibition view of *Chrysalis: The Butterfly Dream* at Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève (January 25‒June 4, 2023) - © © Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève. Photo : Mathilda Olmi, christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *nie jestem jus psem*, curators : zofia czartoryska and katarzyna karwańska, muzeum śląskie, katowice, 2017 - © christian berst — art brut
exhibition view *Why We Have Wars? The Art of Modern-day Outsiders*, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland, 2016 - © christian berst — art brut
exhibition view *tomasz machciński & type 42 (anonymous). with love to tommy*, tomasz machciński foundation, Warsaw, Poland, 2019 - © christian berst — art brut
exhibition view of *Photo Brut : Bruno Decharme & cie collection *, Rencontres d'Arles, Mécanique Générale, Arles, 2019 - © christian berst — art brut
Tomasz Machcinski - © christian berst — art brut
Tomasz Machcinski - © christian berst — art brut
Tomasz Machcinski - © christian berst — art brut
Tomasz Machcinski - © christian berst — art brut
Press review
Dianne Watteau, L’art Même. January 8, 2025.
Tomasz Machciński’s extraordinary take on the American Dream: when self-made costumes, cowboy hats, and a mocking gaze become the miracle of resilience.
Julia Michalczyk, Mundane Magazine. December 9, 2024.
Attrait de l’informe, regard sur l’autre et héros américains
Patrick Javault, The Art Newspaper. October 25, 2024.
Tomasz Machciński. American Dream, I made it all because of you
Marc Donnadieu, Artpress. October 23, 2024.
Tomasz Machciński, Quinze bonnes expos gratuites à découvrir à Paris pendant les vacances de la Toussaint
Laurent Boudier, Bénédicte Phillippe, Marie-Anne Kleiber, Télérama. October 22, 2024.
View more
Tomasz Machciński, Les meilleures expositions à voir à Paris en octobre 2024
Laurent Boudier, Bénédicte Phillippe, Marie-Anne Kleiber, Télérama. October 22, 2024.
Tomasz Machciński
François Jonquet, ARTFORUM. October 10, 2024.
Tomasz Machciński, american grime
Clémentine Mercier, Libération. October 10, 2024.
Un mois de visites pour tous les publics : une association fait découvrir l’art à ceux qui en sont éloignés
Maïlys Celeux-Lanval, Beaux Arts Magazine. September 19, 2024.
Tomasz Machciński, american dream, I made it all because of you
La Rédaction, L’oeil De La Photographie. September 17, 2024.
Tomasz Machciński, star de la photographie brut
Philippe Godin, Mediapart. September 16, 2024.
Tomasz Machiński, american dream
Institut Polonais, Instytut Polski. September 14, 2024.
The art of self-portrait by Tomasz Machcinski : between illusion, dream and plural identities
SAY WHO, Saywho. September 14, 2024.
Editor’s choice: seven exhibitions to see this fall
Art Basel Editorial, Art Basel. September 11, 2024.
Tomasz Machciński American Dream
9 Lives Magazine. September 10, 2024.
The Best Booths at Independent New York, Where Muted Art Commands Maximal Attention
Alex Greenberger, ARTnews. May 10, 2024.
An Embarrassment of Style at the Independent
Will Heinrich, The New York Times. May 9, 2024.
Charlotte Jansen, Independent Features. May 1, 2024.
O “espírito singular” da Arte Bruta passa também pela fotografia
Alexandra Prado Coelho, Público. March 30, 2024.
exposition : comme je me voudrais “être”
Chirine Hammouch, Art Press. March 21, 2024.
expo : comme je me voudrais “être”
Télérama. March 12, 2024.
être un homme (mâle)
Marc Lenot, Lunettes Rouges. March 4, 2024.
l’actualité des galeries, comme je me voudrais “être”
Christine Coste, L’Œil. March 1, 2024.
Comme je me voudrais être - En galerie
Christine Coste, Le Journal Des Arts. February 27, 2024.
l’exposition comme je me voudrais “être” par marc donnadieu
Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénichou. February 14, 2024.
openings life lines + how I would myself to “be”
Happening Next. February 14, 2024.
the art brut revolution, essay by christian berst
António Saint Silvestre, Christian Berst, Umbigo. February 7, 2024.
the art brut revolution, artists’ dossier
António Saint Silvestre, Christian Berst, Umbigo. February 7, 2024.
The artist as “chrysalide”:celebrating the power of self-transformation
Edward M. Gómez, Brutjournal. December 1, 2023.
L’art brut, nouvelle folie des musées
Valérie Duponchelle, Le Figaro. February 28, 2023.
Avec «Mirror of Self», Bruxelles tire l’autoportrait
Gilles Renault, Libération. February 25, 2023.
À Bordeaux, le nouveau salon BAD+ réunit grands crus et œuvres d’art
Matthieu Jacquet, Numéro. February 14, 2023.
Haro sur le selfie, gloire à l’autoportrait ! Le PhotoBrussels Festival en cinq photographes
Frédérique Chapuis, Télérama. February 8, 2023.
Décès de Tomasz Machcinski, l’artiste aux 22 000 autoportraits
Magali Lesauvage, Le Quotidien De L’art. January 6, 2022.
PARIS PHOTO 2021. Collages. Maquillage. Travestissement.
Florence De Mèredieu, Florence De Meredieu - Journal Ethnographique. November 19, 2021.
Christian Berst présente le photographe Tomasz Machcinski - Paris Photo 2021
Captation Vidéo Par éric Dubois-Geoffroy & Camille Franco, OPENEYE-Le Magazine. November 14, 2021.
Aus der Distanz
Bernhard Schulz, Der Tagesspiegel. November 14, 2021.
À Paris Photo, l’absurdité de la condition humaine anime les allées du Grand Palais
Dominique Chapuis, Télérama Sortir. November 13, 2021.
conversation : what is art brut photography all about?
Marc Donnadieu, Corinne Rondeau, Bruno Decharme, Christian Berst, Paris Photo - La Plateforme, Youtube. November 13, 2021.
Paris Photo 2021 en 10 images
Baudouin Eschapasse, Le Point. November 13, 2021.
Bon démarrage pour Paris Photo
Alexandre Crochet, The Art Newspaper Daily. November 12, 2021.
Chronique d’Isabel Pasquier sur l’œuvre de Tomasz Machcinski (à partir de 11”20)
Isabel Pasquier, France Inter. November 12, 2021.
Nos 8 coups de cœur, entre beau et étrange, à Paris Photo
Valérie Duponchelle Et Béatrice De Rochebouët, Le Figaro. November 12, 2021.
Paris Photo 2021 : panorama de la création photographique en huit images
Christophe Airaud, France Info : Culture. November 11, 2021.
Paris Photo 2021, demandez le programme
La Rédaction, Phototrend. November 11, 2021.
Vom Glück der visuellen Überforderung
Freddy Langer, Faz. November 11, 2021.
Tomasz Machcinski : 22 000 autoportraits !
S.B., Le Quotidien De L’art - Paris Photo. November 11, 2021.
La photo anonyme et son halo de mystère envoûtent les collectionneurs
Roxana Azimi, Le Monde. November 10, 2021.
Paris Photo 2021, une édition presque normale
Christine Coste, Le Journal Des Arts. November 10, 2021.
Les bruits du temps à Paris Photo
Christine Coste, Le Journal Des Arts. November 10, 2021.
La foire internationale “Paris Photo” investit le Grand Palais Éphémère
Chloé Ronchin, CNews. November 9, 2021.
Autoportraitiste aux mille visages
Laurène Flinois, Beaux Arts Magazine. October 17, 2021.
Nancy Huston – Monstre
Laurent Boudier, Télérama Sortir. September 21, 2021.
art exhibition / news - pocorart world exhibition
La Rédaction, Geijutsu Shincho. September 1, 2021.
Galerie Christian Berst Art Brut : Tomasz Machcinski
La Rédaction, L’œil De La Photographie. May 11, 2021.
le télétex du 30 avril
La Rédaction, L’hebdo Du Quotidien De L’art. April 30, 2021.
Fantastic Fixation in ‘Photo Brut’
J. Hoberman, The New York Review. April 25, 2021.
Photo brut, collection Bruno Decharme & compagnie
Lyle Rexer, The Brooklynrail. February 5, 2021.
Photography in the Raw
Roberta Smith, The New York Times. February 4, 2021.
Arles 6 : Photographie brute, vers un peu de cohérence
Marc Lenot, Amateur D’art, Par Lunettes Rouges. September 4, 2019.
Artpress à Arles. épisode 3
Charles-Arthur Boyer, Artpress. July 18, 2019.
Arles 2019, le meilleur des expositions des Rencontres de la Photographie
Bruno Dubreuil, Viens Voir. July 18, 2019.
“Photo Brut” de décalages
Clémentine Mercier, Libération. July 5, 2019.
à Arles, la photographie s’entiche d’art brut
Emmanuelle Lequeux, Le Monde. June 12, 2019.
Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
Museum of Photography in Krakow
Carmen and Daniel Klein collection
Antoine Frérot collection
abcd / Bruno Decharme collection
View more
Treger Saint Silvestre collection
Emmanuelle and Guy Delcourt collection
Francès Fondation
monstre commissaire nancy huston
Trailer - Paris Photo 2021
Paris Photo 2021 : merci
visite guidée marc donnadieu the bridge
Tomasz Machcinski

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